Mothers and Daughters, Growing Towards Wholeness

workshops, consulting and coaching

All women have been deeply affected by their relationships with their mothers. The patterns of thinking, acting and feeling that started in childhood continue into adulthood and without awareness are carried out in relationships with mates, bosses, friends, children and One’s Self.

Choosing to work consciously on the mother/daughter relationship will enhance both the inner and outer world that we live in as women. All of us are daughters and all of us carry our mothers (or mother substitutes) in ways that can serve or hinder us.

Looking deeply into our ties to mother or daughter, we can begin to understand the limitations we have created for ourselves and we can take advantage of the opportunities for growth. We can work with issues from the past, focus on desired changes in the present and orient ourselves towards the future we truly wish to have.

Letting go of past hurts and restrictions, finding peace and forgiveness are goals that many achieve as they do this work. The search for wholeness and autonomy is within oneself and that is where change occurs

Dorothy (Didi) Firman continues the work she and her mother have done for over thirty years. Julie Firman, now 93, retired from this work at age 88!

Mothers and Daughters and the Wisdom of the Self


BOOK WORK SUPPORT: Daughters and Mothers: Making it Work is an active workbook that can be used by a single woman, a mother/daughter pair or a group. By telephone, e-mail or video chat (in person if you are local) Didi will work with women using the exercises in the book as the means to support this work.

WORKSHOPS: Occasionally public workshops are available and information will be posted here. Didi is also willing to come to a group that you might create or sponsor. Recently she has worked in Colorado, Scandinavia and Russia, among other places.

CONSULTING/COACHING: Individually or in mother/daughter pairs, Dorothy offers personal coaching to support women in moving towards wholeness and autonomy, acceptance and forgiveness and a positive, healthy future.

